The center of the City of Alamo Heights is located just 4.5 miles to the North of downtown San Antonio. Alamo Heights is surrounded by San Antonio, the seventh largest metropolitan area in the U.S, and is adjacent to the cities of Terrell Hills and Olmos Park. The city encompasses a total area of 2.1 square miles, and sits 807 feet above sea level.
Three miles north of the Alamo, the city of Alamo Heights is a hilly, wooded village two square miles in area, with six thousand people. It is an incorporated town with its own police and fire departments, zoning codes, school and business districts, mayor, and city council. But to most San Antonians Alamo Heights also means the incorporated cities of Olmos Park, which adjoins Alamo Heights on the west, and Terrell Hills, which is adjacent on the east. Each is wealthier and more homogeneous than Alamo Heights proper—and smaller. Olmos Park has a population of 2069; Terrell Hills, 4644. Since neither has a business district, their residents use the shopping strip in Alamo Heights, and most churchgoers in both cities worship in Alamo Heights.
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