To stop a criminal from using your personal information to open a credit card in your name, start by preventing lenders from checking your credit unless you first unfreeze your information. Even if you have poor credit”or are low on savings”protecting your credit from identity theft by taking advantage of a free credit freeze is […]
Everyone needs calcium for strong bones. Calcium is especially important for older women, who are at higher risk for osteoporosis. The best way to get enough calcium is to eat foods with the nutrient in them every day. That includes dairy products, certain vegetables, and food products fortified with calcium, including some orange juices, tofu […]
One of the most popular rooms in any household is the family room, and we spend much of our time there watching television. And things are vastly different from a generation ago when Mom, Dad and the kiddies got together and watched a few sitcoms or a movie on DVD. There are endless choices to […]
Looking to dress your windows with something other than curtains? The following ideas are fun, great for creative expression and relatively inexpensive. Screens. These thin, partially transparent screens can be pulled down when you need them and still let some light through. Bright frames. Don’t want any type of coverage but looking for a color […]
Here are four ideas to keep in mind when designing a home that embodies understated luxury. Keep It Casual Above all else, your living area should feel comfortable and functional rather than overly decorative. Muted Tones Shades of white and gray or natural earth tones are ideal for a low-key ambience. Quality Materials Casual luxury […]
If youre buried by credit card debt, a negotiated debt settlement with your creditor may be worth checking into. Negotiated debt settlement is a general term for discharging debt in a way that appeals to the credit card holder and the cards issuer. Its best to negotiate from a position of strength by not having […]
The value of your home is influenced by price, time, and market conditions. As your local real estate professional, my goal is to assist you in the determination of the value of your home by giving you current, factual data on the market conditions and the average market time for homes in your area. This […]
A debit card can be your worst enemy when it comes to identity fraud. Credit and debit card fraud totaled $4.5 billion in 2016, according to a report by iovation, a provider of digital intelligence for fraud prevention. A debit card can be a smart way to shop if you dont want to carry cash […]
Here are a few beloved lawn games the whole family can enjoy! Bocce Ball Though commonly played on the lawn, bocce is traditionally played on a court that can give an elegant look to any yard. Croquet A manicured lawn set up with croquet wickets might look formal, but in reality, its a laid-back game […]
The typical credit card charges about 16 percent interest per year on balances, effectively adding $16 to each $100 in expenses that are left on a credit card. Some charge as much as 29 percent if youre late on a payment and have to pay penalty interest. Avoiding a credit card balance by paying the […]
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